Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our little BIG girl

Bella went in for her 2 month check up yesterday. She weighs 12 lbs 1 oz and is 23 3/4 inches long. She is in the 95th percentile on her weight and height. She is VERY healthy. She also had to get the horrible shots. I hate them, I always cry. She just looked at me like why are you letting them hurt me.

Bella is such a happy baby. She wakes up at 4:00 every morning. When I go into feed her I get the biggest smile, it melts my heart. I love that time together when it is just the 2 of us.
Here are a few things Bella loves:
She loves the sound of her dad voice
She loves to watch Emma and Brad play the WII
She loves to watch the fan in the living room
She loves the dogs
And she loves to watch and play with the butterflies in her crib

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Over the hill

Well Tommy is officially over the hill! He turns 40 today. I normally don't get all emotional on my blog but what the heck. It is a great day to tell Tommy what a great husband and dad he is. He is truly the best. Everything he does is for me and the kids. He works harder than anyone I know to provide for us and never complains. We have a great home and everything we need. He loves his kids so much and they adore him. I know he loves me no matter what. Who else could put up with me for this long! I hope you have a great day! Love ya